Smart Factory

We are becoming a smart factory

Digitization leads to a strong position in the market and will also make us competitive in the future. We are becoming a smart factory and introducing networked processes along the value chain. We want to make our production more intelligent.

Because by intelligently linking processes inside and outside our factory halls, we simplify processes and increase our machine utilization. This allows us to plan resources more efficiently and respond specifically to customer requests.

Tel.: 03745/75356 – 0
Fax: 03745/75356 – 20

Außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten:
Mobil: 0151 580 648 01
TIXBO automotive GmbH

Gewerbering 9
D-08236 Ellefeld
TIXBO automotive GmbH

Gewerbering 9
D-08236 Ellefeld

Tel.: 03745 753 56 0
Fax: 03745 753 56 20

Außerhalb der Geschäftszeiten:
Mobil: 0151 580 648 01